Strengthen, Protect and Beautify Your Toenails

Strengthen, Protect and Beautify Your Toenails

How to Prevent Common Running Injuries

by Ida Carroll

Running is a great exercise for just about anyone, as it works the heart and lungs and burns lots of calories, helping you to maintain a healthy weight. Running is also a very cheap way to exercise, as you don't need any fancy equipment other than a good pair of running shoes and some comfortable clothing!

One drawback to running, however, is that it can cause injuries to the body, and most especially to the legs. This can include pulled muscles, overworked joints, and stress on the back and hips. If you'd like to take up running, or have been a runner for some time and have experienced injuries already because of your running, note a few tips for preventing common running injuries.

Build strength

The stronger your legs, the better able they are to balance you when running, so you're less likely to put stress on the knees, hips, and other joints. Weight or resistance training should be part of your running routine; you don't need to invest in a gym membership or any type of equipment to build muscle, but consider following a Pilates routine at home. This type of routine uses the body's own weight for resistance. You can also do squats and lunges, to build muscle in the back of the legs and along the thighs and calves.

Know when to stretch

Many runners make the mistake of stretching before a run, when their muscles are cold. This can make those muscles more prone to injury, as you're putting added stress on them before they have proper blood flow to assist that stretching routine. A better choice is to do a slight, nonimpact warm-up before a run, such as a gentle marching in place, and then perform a stretching routine after your run, when muscles are warm. It's also good to have a regular stretching routine at other times, so your muscles are flexible; take a yoga class, or do a quick stretch of your muscles every night before bed, to keep yourself limber.

See a doctor or therapist

A doctor or physiotherapist should be considered your partner in good health, and not someone you visit only after something goes wrong. A physiotherapist can help you to stretch properly and note if you're suffering injuries on any particular parts of your body, including your legs or back, that may be causing added stress to your legs or feet. They can also prescribe orthotics, wraps, and other devices that will provide added support while you run, helping you to prevent injuries.


About Me

Strengthen, Protect and Beautify Your Toenails

If you are like me, you have probably been in embarrassed in the past about having thick, yellow or otherwise unsightly toenails. You may have even suffered pain from your toenails. Those statements used to describe me, but with the help of my family and podiatrist, my toenails have returned to a strong, clear and beautiful state. The journey wasn't always easy, and it forced me to ask a lot of questions and do a lot of research. As a result, I learned everything you can find in these blog posts. I see other people with painful looking toenails on the street, and I want to help them with some pointers, but walking up to strangers – however well intentioned – is a bit beyond my comfort levels so I decided to create this blog. I hope it helps and entertains you!
